Popular Wearable Art Sale returns for its 30th year of supporting YWCA Pierce County’s life-saving domestic violence services
Tacoma artists Mimi Anderson, Ann Darling, Cheryl DeGroot, Teresa Owens, Diane Katz, Nicloe Turner, and Elayne Vogle have been selected for the 30th annual RAGS Wearable Art Sale and Gallery Competition that will take place March 7-10, 2024, in Fife. The weekend begins with a ticketed VIP Presale benefit on Thursday, March 7.
Since 1994, in support of YWCA Pierce County’s domestic violence programs and services, RAGS has:
- Raised over $2.2 million
- Showcased over 675 artists and small-business owners.
- Given more than $34,300 in awards to top artists
- Served more than 27,500 in-person and 7,300 online visitors and shoppers.
Beautiful jewelry, creative clothing, and distinctive accessories from more than 70 artists of local, regional, and national acclaim are offered for sale at the juried boutique-style show. Besides this “Marketplace” sale, RAGS also features a “Gallery” of one-of-a-kind works, with winners in several categories earning cash awards. Artists give one-third of sale revenues to RAGS to benefit the YWCA.
The show is open to the public at no charge at Mercedes-Benz of Tacoma, just off Interstate 5 in Fife, Wash., at 1701 Alexander Ave. E. Show hours are Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9, from 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday, March 10, from 10 am to 3 pm. Tickets for the March 7 VIP Presale (6:30-8:30 pm) at $100 per person, may be purchased at ragswearableart.org. Also available for purchase at the website are RAGS gift certificates in any denomination.
Produced by an all-volunteer guild and supported by local businesses and individuals, RAGS gives 100% of its proceeds directly to the YWCA for its domestic violence intervention programs.
“What makes RAGS a distinctive event? The blend of art, fashion, shopping, and fundraising for an important cause,” explains RAGS chair Amanda McGinn. “All of us—shoppers, artists, and volunteers—believe in funding programs offering hope to families affected by domestic violence. The RAGS event is an opportunity to support not only the YWCA, but the artists as well. Many of our artists are small-business owners who rely on events as their main source of income.”
For more information about the 30th annual RAGS Wearable Art Show, visit – RAGS Wearable Art Sale & Show, call the RAGS hotline at 253-272-4181, ext. 352; or contact Kathy Dorr (ksdorr@msn.com 253-752-3107).
YWCA Pierce County has been a community leader in domestic violence services for more than 40 years. After founding the state’s first domestic violence shelter in 1976, the YWCA has steadily expanded its domestic violence services, helping clients change their lives through safety, healing, and empowerment. For more about YWCA Pierce County’s domestic violence intervention programs, visit YWCA Pierce County – Home Page.